Peaceful Champions After-School and Summer Programs

For youth who have serious emotional disturbances or are youth-at-risk, C.G. Smith offers the Peaceful Champions after-school and summer program. This year-round program is open for youth age 5 to 14 and has a focus on violence prevention and character-development through martial arts, mental self-defense and peaceful conflict resolution as a method of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

For youth who have serious emotional disturbances or are youth-at-risk, C.G. Smith offers the Peaceful Champions after-school and summer program. This year-round program is open for youth age 5 to 14 and has a focus on violence prevention and character-development through martial arts, mental self-defense and peaceful conflict resolution as a method of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Currently, the program is being offered at three program sites: Cypress Run (North Broward), Smith Community Mental Health agency headquarters (Central Broward) and Whispering Pines (South Broward).

For additional information on enrollment and criteria and process, please call (954)321-2296, extension 203.